Startup Balkans

Innospace Tirana

Innospace Tirana is a co-working space in Tirana that offers a creative working environment which offers different courses and knowledge sharing opportunities.

Innospace Tirana is a co-working space in Tirana that offers a creative working environment. Besides being an excellent place to start your business, Innospace also offers different courses and knowledge sharing opportunities.

The Why. Your vision and goals. Please highlight what you want to achieve:

Our goal is to establish a high-end coworking environment and provide high-end courses and programs for our members.

The What. Your customer value proposition. Please highlight your portfolio of services:

We offer Coworking Space, Event Space, Design, ICT and Entrepreneurship Academy, Webinar Services, and more.

The Who. Your target group(s). Please highlight whom you support:

We are working with Freelancers, Organizations, Graphic Design students, and Entrepreneurs.

The Team. Please introduce members of your team (what are their unique skills/focus):

Our team members are Emi Milo, and Joreld Dhamo. They are talented people with an eye for beautiful things.

The Success. Please describe your most significant success(es), something you are most proud of:

Our most significant success, so far, is managing to keep the space working through the COVID-19.

Information. Please share your website and social media links where people can follow and contact you directly : 

Ivana Sabo