The Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia is the fundamental state institution for supporting innovative activities and managing funding for stimulating innovation.
The Why. Your vision and goals. Please highlight what you want to achieve:
Innovation Fund’s primary goal is to contribute to the country’s economic development by promoting enterprise innovation through various financial instruments, particularly by fostering the establishment of new and strengthening the existing companies.
The What. Your customer value proposition. Please highlight your portfolio of services:
Innovation Fund offers financial and technical assistance provided by public and donor sources to support innovative Serbian companies and strengthen linkages between research and business sectors.
The Who. Your target group(s). Please highlight whom you support:
Innovation Fund supports micro, small or medium-sized companies established in Serbia with majority private ownership. These companies must be engaged in the development of technological innovations with clear market need.
The Team. Please introduce members of your team (what are their unique skills/focus):
Central organizational parts of the Innovation Fund are the following:
- Office of the Director,
- Program Management Department,
- Department for legal and financial affairs.
The Success. Please describe your most significant success(es), something you are most proud of:
The most significant success of the Innovation Fund is the inception of 1900 applications through our public calls. We have supported 695 projects with a total amount of EUR 20,1M so far.
Information. Please share your website and social media links where people can follow and contact you directly :
- Website:
- Facebook page:
- LinkedIn page: