Startup Balkans

Preduzimanje: Episode 05, Kata Vuksanović

In this episode of the Preduzimanje podcast, we introduce Katarina Vuksanović (she was Ivakić, back when this episode was recorded). She is a renaissance woman of the new age, full of ideas and energy. Kata completely energized this episode while talking about important topics.

To remind you, Preduzimanje is a podcast created by Milena Milić and Ivana Sabo. The podcast’s main topic is empowering entrepreneurs (especially females) to take action and start doing amazing things. Through stories with inspiring and successful ladies, authors are exploring what they are working on and how they perceive, receive, and give support to the other entrepreneurs.

The fifth episode of the podcast is dedicated to personal growth and development with the help of mentors. Enjoy listening:

If you are a visual type, you can watch this episode on the Preduzimanje YouTube channel:

Ivana Sabo